Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School Days are Here at Last

This is literally our longest summer vacation.  We left school May 19th, a week early, to attend my brother's wedding in Arizona. School in Belgium doesn't start until the first of September, tomorrow.  That gives the Fisher family 16 weeks off any "normal" routine. Starting tonight, we are back on the wagon by having all three in bed by 9.

Normally I would be breathing a sigh of relief.  All three kids gone, all day.  Ahh.  Now I can work on the Minute Menu plan and get it where it needs to be to become successful.  I can do all those things that I want to do without those constant interruptions.  Tonight however those feelings are 99% non-existent.  Tonight I am filled with anxiety, brought on by my own decisions.

Tomorrow my three children will start a new school, in a new town, in a new country with a new language.  They will not be able to comprehend the majority of what most people at the school are saying.  Here's to us...hoping that we all SURVIVE and THRIVE this coming year.



  1. That is scary but exciting too. Good luck you all of you!

  2. you will survive extraordinarily, and thrive beautifully

  3. Thanks all. I'm having the kids write how it went. To be posted soon.
